Thursday, June 3, 2010

who hates starbucks?

Posted by Leda at 1:21 AM
Everyone loves Starbucks. We can’t lie about this one, as the proof is obvious. We have such a demand for coffee that there’s a Starbucks on what seems like every block. Starbucks isn’t just in the United States, but it’s also thriving on the streets of other countries as well. A common line I hear from people I know is, “I love coffee from my home, and I even have my own espresso machine. However, there’s nothing like getting one from Starbucks.” Is Starbucks just so good that we keep coming back, and regardless of how high they price it, we still buy it?

Bro was the only people i know who hates Starbucks, but look he's carrying it everywhere now even in the car! :)



astrid on June 3, 2010 at 2:48 AM said...

luv the coffee but its too expensive for a coffee :(

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