Thursday, June 3, 2010

Farmville one of Time's '50 Worst Inventions'

Posted by Leda at 4:37 PM
We can't deny the fact that many of Facebook users plays farmville and i know most of us got addicted with this game and i'm not ashamed raising my hands haha yes, i was a farmville addict! i'm the one of those people who wakes up in the middle of the night and in 5:00 in the morning because they need to harvest their crops. but everything has an end,.. i just woke up one morning that i don't want to play it anymore not because im tired playing it, but because it didn't give me anymore excitement maybe because i almost have everything..from the houses, tress, animals, and even to different kinds of fences, just name it.

This is my farm now..

Time magazine recently released its list of "The 50 Worst Inventions", counting popular Facebook game application Farmville among "one of the world's bright ideas that just didn't work out."

Time bemoaned Farmville's "mindlessness," pointing out the game's repetitive nature even as it begrudgingly acceded that the virtual farm app is "the most addictive of Facebook games".
"(Farmville) is hardly even a game —it's more a series of mindless chores on a digital farm, requiring the endless clicking of a mouse to plant and harvest crops," Time said.
Still, Time noted that "more than 10% of Americans" log into Farmville, citing statistics from the game's developer, Zynga.
Also included on Time's list of worst inventions are such bizarre creations as the Electric Facial Mask and Venetian-Blind Sunglasses, as well as those banes of online existence, Spam E-mail and Pop-Up Ads.

The 50 Worst Inventions

From the zany to the dangerous to the just plain dumb, here is TIME's list (in no particular order) of some of the world's bright ideas that just didn't work out

Full List
Worst Inventions

* Segway
* New Coke
* Clippy
* Agent Orange
* CueCat
* Subprime Mortgages
* Crinoline
* Nintendo Virtual Boy
* Farmville
* Hydrogenated Oils
* Honegar
* Hydrogen Blimps
* Hair in a Can
* Auto-Tune
* Red Dye No. 2
* Ford Pinto
* Parachute Jacket
* Betamax
* Baby Cage
* Tanning Beds
* Crocs
* Hula Chair
* Foursquare
* Pop-Up Ads
* Phone Fingers
* CFCs
* Plastic Grocery Bags
* Bumpit
* Electric Facial Mask
* Sony CD Copy Protection
* Venetian-Blind Sunglasses
* Pet Spa
* Pontiac Aztek
* Snuggie for Dogs
* Mizar Flying Car
* Asbestos
* Olestra
* Comfort Wipe
* Fake Ponytails
* HeadOn
* Pay Toilets
* Tamagotchis
* Leaded Gasoline
* Vibrating Ab Belt
* Spam E-mail
* Smell-o-Vision
* Smile Checks
* Microsoft Bob
* Vio



mary on June 3, 2010 at 7:11 PM said...

waaaaaaaaaa i have seen this on news last night!

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