Tuesday, June 1, 2010

despite everything

Posted by Leda at 10:34 PM
I still love the Internet. Here are my reasons why:

1. Online shopping and making new friends.

This Jewelry set is also available in Ebay or if you are interested you can contact me on facebook or email me at leda.isla@yahoo.com

2. Getting in touch with old friends.

Because of Facebook, I have pretty much reconnected with my friends from grade school and high school. Strangely, I have several girl friends who are yet to be introduced with the wonderful and addictive world of Facebook (and Facebook games).

3.Sharing the coolest phenomenon with the world.

If it weren’t for the Internet, we would now know that there is a rainbow around the sun today. So pretty. The black dots would be dirt on our lens but let’s pretend those are spaceships.



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