Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What's in my bag..

Posted by Leda at 6:53 PM
I am always a big bag kind of girl.
I can't leave the house without bringing the whole house with me.
You'll never know what to expect when you're out there.

I have two Hello Kitty pouches (see, I haven't outgrown the Sanrio era)...
one contains my make-up and the other one is for my point and shoot camera.

There is my Moleskine which I have with me all the time,
my mobile phone, my sunnies (depends on my outfit for the day),
my serious Kate Spade glasses, my Gucci wallet and my pen case.

What's inside my pen case?

Lots of pinks inside my pen case...
a pink USB, pink highlighter, pink pens
and of course some black pens for signing documents.

And what's in my make-up pouch?

Shu Uemura brushes, Nars blush, Smashbox mineral powder,
Neutrogena mineral eye make-up, Bare Essentials Lip Shimmer,
lots of Bath and Body Works Hand Sanitizer (that's for the OC part of me)
and a huge mirror... those are what I normally bring with me.

Other stuff have to be left at home or else, I need another bag for them.
And I don't have anymore of those cute Hello Kitty pouches.
Maybe, if I can find another one, I can bring absolutely everything.

So ladies, what's inside your bag?



Anonymous said...

It all seems very organised. Mine is a mass of mess.

angelica on June 2, 2010 at 7:26 PM said...

Great post!
I love your Hello Kitty pouches! So cute!

Meriam on June 2, 2010 at 7:36 PM said...

Gorgeous bag and contents!
Love that first photo too!


Anonymous said...

I love that you don't carry a lot of things in your bag.

I keep it simple too: cellphone, sunglasses, wallet and a cardigan if it's cold.

Ana on June 3, 2010 at 12:56 AM said...

i love seeing "in her bag" posts!!! you do carry a lot of things!! doesn't it get a little heavy though??? i always want to bring little things for "just in case" moments but then my bag gets heavy and i toss everything back out!

Leda on June 3, 2010 at 12:59 AM said...

My bag tends to get heavy with all the stuff inside but I'm so used to carrying heavy stuff... the weight of my bag is nothing compared to the weight that i was carrying when i was in grade school. :-)

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