Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ideas for redecorating my new scrapbook room

Posted by Leda at 10:53 PM
Redesigning scrapbook or craft rooms is so much fun! My first bit of advice would be to take out all your favorite scrapbooking paper (or go to a scrapbooking store to check out colors/patterns). Choose your top 5 colors and patterns and tape them to the wall of the room you are doing. Then let then stay there for a few days so that you can get a feel for what the room would be like with that color. Once you have decided, you can take the paper with you to the paint store to match. I also would keep a swatch in your purse, so that you can match accessories later. Below are some of the more stylish scrapbooking rooms I have seen:

Of course, when you say daring, I would think of reds. But red can make a room look dark unless you have some moulding or wainscoating that is a different color. I love this room and how the designer used red, but not on all the walls.

I think the “hot” colors right now for scrapbooking rooms are lime green, pink, blue/tan. I love how this room still looks classy, even with baby pink. When you add hip accent colors like black and hot pink, you can make you space seem more stylish and classic.

Here’s a cute green room with French accents:

Same idea,,different room:

And I love the color blue of this room:



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