Tuesday, June 1, 2010

raisin oatmeal bars

Posted by Leda at 11:04 PM
When you wake up and all is not right with the world, what do you do? Me, I go out and buy something. And since I have been craving raisin oatmeal cookies for so long, I bought ingredients for the recipe.

To say that I followed the recipe to a tee would be a lie. For one, I put more cinnamon than what was called for because a) I love cinnamon, and b) I didn’t have nutmeg. I also didn’t want to bake 3 dozen cookies on my first try because I was 80% certain that it would not be perfect. Who will eat 3 dozen FAIL cookies? So I divided all ingredients in half and aimed for less than 20 cookies.

[Newbie baker question: was dividing the ingredients in half the right thing to do?]

By the time I was ready to bake them, laziness has caught up with me. I pressed the batter onto a baking pan and decided to make raisin oatmeal bars instead.

I didn’t like results. They’re okay, not too flaky and not too chewy. I was hoping, though, that they would be as good as the raisin oatmeal bars at Shakey’s. The fact that I would make a fast food place’s dessert my standard is beyond me. Perhaps it was because of all the modifications I made or because I baked in a bad mood.
okay but not good enough.



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