Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lady Gagita feat Haronce in "Telephone"

Posted by Leda at 11:15 PM
People just can't get enough of the new fad in YouTube- the video parody of the song "Telephone" by Lady Gaga and Beyonce, as done by out local versions, Lady Gagita and Heronce!

There is new YouTube sensation, a video parody of Lady Gaga and Beyonce hit Telephone by Lady Gagita and Heronce, who are both pinoys. The spoof music video's production values are not quite at par with the original, but Lady Gagita and Heronce more than make-up for that with moves that are exact copies of the original divas.

But if you were thinking Lady Gaga's "Telephone" video featuring beyonce,you got it all wrong. I'm talking about the hottest thing to hit your Facebook feed since a Lady Gaga video. I'm talking about, well,"Telephone" but as rendered by the extraordinary, stupefyingly fierce Lady and her spunky sidekick Heronce.

Lady Gagita feat.Haronce: Telephone Parody



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