Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All about JEJEMONS

Posted by Leda at 11:26 PM
Well, I only got one sentence to say about this...... I got a headache reading this damn JEJE WORDS !!! hahaha

I have nothing against the guys or gals. But its just disheartening to think that no matter how fun it may seem for some people to read, we cannot ignore the fact that this JEJEMON thing can be bad.

I observed that most people who do JEJEMON stuff started during high school and in most cases had carried them to college either as mannerism or by choice.... the result is a very "poor-in-grammar" batch of college graduates ( if ever they made it that far). Now they will add to the already large number of collage graduates who although were not exposed to jejemonism but still are poor in grammar and spelling.... I'm not good in english but i try to complete my words as much as possible. jejeje??? hahaha

Anyway, read to learn more what people had been saying...

What is jejemon?

1) Jejemon are not just confide to trying-hard Filipino gangster and emos. A jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejeje"in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

2) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebuster or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.

Jejemon: What Are They?

It is said that Jejemons are often seen clustering around social networking sites such as Facebook and Friendster . They are also spotted in massive numbers in television chat rooms albeit they were just starting to flourish at the time of Juan dela Cruz's discovery of them. To date, there is an estimated 7.4 million Jejemons thriving in the Philippines. They have since started booming proportionally with the fast global progress of technology.

Jejemon Resume
Jejemon Suicide Note
Jejemon Cap

Below are some of the basic Jejemon words

Warning: May cause severe headache if you try too hard to understand. Patience and Comprehension are required:

aQcKuHh - means me/ako lAbqCkyOuHh - means I Love You yuHh - means You jAjaJa - garbled words conveying laughter jEJejE - a variation of jAjaJa; conveys silly laughter iMiszqcKuyH - means I miss you eEoWpFhUeEhsxz - means hi/hello

Mild - eow pU ... MxTa pu? jejeje
Moderate - eow pfOw,, Na MisZ pfOu qTah! mWahXz!
Severe - 3Ow pfU!,..aN3U pfOW gW4 n3O? tX tX nUa lHarN sZa mEna GziNg pFa!

TERMINAL JEJENISM - " 3Ow pfOU m3N4 p!pOL! nUa M1xZ kO pFOu K3O nU4n zObR4!
wUaCk k3OnG M3k A4Ng4Sz sXa bOSzX nu4 tuLad kWO "

" an active and malignant disease that cannot be cured or adequately treated and that is reasonable expected to result in the death of the jejemon."



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