Wednesday, June 2, 2010

goodbye messy wires

Posted by Leda at 4:18 PM
I am also trying to stay on top of our energy consumption and one way to do that is to have only one socket in the house where all battery re-charging takes place. This way, we will not forget about unplugging a charger when we’re in a hurry to use our mobile phones or the camera’s battery, as we always are.

Admittedly, I never thought that there were such things as charging stations. But thanks to a recent work-related project, my ignorant mind got an upgrade. When I saw one, I had a “Pfft, I can easily make one!” moment. Granted, these happen a lot. But my loathing for messy wires was enough motivation to have me hacking an old electronics box and fashioning a DIY charging station.

My charging station is so trendy in its 80’s floral shell.



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