Tuesday, June 1, 2010

a night with "Hachiko"

Posted by Leda at 11:13 PM

I had a very depressing and emotional night and im still carrying it when i woke up this morning.. Oh God cant believe i still cant get over it, i still cry everytime i remember Hachi. :( wanna blame myself why i bought this DVD.. feel like to crush and burn it! but in somehow the movie was good, its inspiring and very touching piece...Its a must see movie i can say, but i don't wanna recommend it to those people who have a heart disease.

The story of HACHI ( Hachiko)

Hachiko was an AKITA dog born on November 10, 1923–March 8, 1935. Beloved by all who hear his story "Hachi-ko" has truelly touched the hearts of people around the world. His legend lives larger than life.
Daily Professor Eizaburo Ueno walked to Shibuya Station to board the train to Tokyo, accompanied by his Akita named Hachi. Once there Hachi-ko ( as the professor affectionately called him) remained behind as the professor boarded the train for the commute to Tokyo Imperial University.

Hachiko would greet his master precisely at 3:00 pm as he returned on the afternoon train. One day Hachiko waited patiently as he did every day but his master was not on the train.

Tragically, Professor Ueno had died suddenly at the University that day having suffered a stroke. Hachiko waited long into the night, friends of professor come for him, sending him to a new home miles away. But Hachiko would continually run away to return to his former home with the professor he would then go to the station to again keep the vigil.

Hachiko continued to meet the 3:00 train everyday, hoping his beloved master,to whom he was so devoted, would return. The former gardner of the professor, Kikuzaboro Kobayashi, fed and cared for Hachiko but allowed him to mourn his own way. The station director, realizing why the dog returned each day, also gave him shelter from the weather and began to fed him as did many people so moved by his faithfulness. Hachiko became a landmark; his unaltering routine become well known to commuters, his fame spreading nationwide. Japanese school books talk by his great love for his master, serving as an example of loyalty. He was both pitied and admired. Many people traveled to Shibuya Station for the express purposed of seeing Hachiko, often presenting him with food, gently touching his head for luck.

HACHIKO continued his daily ritual even when arthritis and age slowed his pace. Almost ten year after his beloved master, Hachiko was found dead on the very spot at the station where he had kept vigil for so many years. A day of mourning was declared. He was almost 12 1/2 years of age when he died on March 18, 1935 having been born October 4th , 1922. The little creme colored puppy had been a gift to the professor from one of his students at the university.

Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya railroad station.



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