Tuesday, June 8, 2010

boring tuesday!

Posted by Leda at 2:26 AM
Yesterday i want to make a lot of things. The desire (at three in the afternoon) does not reflect my drive to actually make or do things everyday. yesterday, for instance, I wanted:

1) upload pictures from our weekend gateaway

2) make school tags for my niece

3) pamper Princess and Milo

4) reconstruct a brown blouse I bought off eBay

I started on the brown blouse but I didn’t finish it. I went downstairs, watched dvd., ate pancit canton, hard-boiled egg,  and French toast. In other words, I was unproductive and getting fat.

* sigh*

Today  was quite boring but yet i did something productive though they're ain't the things that i wanted to do yesterday but its ok at least i tried to pick up my ass and be busy :) and these are the things that kept me busy today:

organized my collections from books to dvd's from  pirated to original.

The Pirated

The Original

I only buy original of my favorite movies that is why they're less than the pirated. ( guess you guys know the reason hehe)

The Books



Unknown on June 8, 2010 at 3:59 AM said...

leda...now i m opn ur blog,...now happy....nice add here....bt not related to mme....

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